Counselor Certification Status
The Counselor Certification Committee met on Wednesday, March 18th, 2009 and reviewed submitted certification work. Following the meeting, I updated the completion figures.
The committee discussed the original completion schedule to finish the certification program. Our goal was to have everyone through by June 30th of this year. However, that may have been too aggressive. We are suggesting a new completion schedule as follows.
Modules 1 & 2: June 30th, 2009
Module 3: August 31st, 2009
Module 4: October 31st, 2009
Module 5: December 31st, 2009
New hires would have two months to complete modules 1 & 2 and 6 months to complete the other 3 modules, for a total of 8 months. They can always complete them sooner.
We are listening to your suggestions on ways to improve the training materials. Bev has worked on module 5 and has discovered that some needed changes. We will do that in the near future so that we do not hold up anyone from working on that module.
I serve on an ASBDC Core Competency Committee. A survey of all SBDC state directors (67 responses) was recently done regarding core competency. The survey showed that 58% of all SBDCs have a certification or core competency program. Of the 42% who do not currently have a program, 60% said that they were developing one. So, in the not too distant future, 83% of all SBDCs should have a certification/core competency program. We’re in good company!
The next review meeting will be held on Wednesday the 15th of April. Thanks for your support!